Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Substance Abuse:

The use of harmful substances has always been activity in society. http://www.shmoop.com/drugs-america/summary.html However, it has become a major problem over the years. It is seen as the cool thing to do to the young generation, but then becomes an addiction to the older. I have watched family members and childhood friends grow up and then find a love for these deadly substances. Whether it be alcohol or different kinds of drugs. 
The most obvious cause I have seen with substance abuse is peer pressure. A young teen gets invited to a wild party, and for the sake of being cool, decides to just try it one time.
Not only does peer pressure play a role, but also television and other media makes this type of behavior look cool or desirable. http://consumer.healthday.com/mental-health-information-25/addiction-news-6/tv-alcohol-ads-tied-to-problem-drinking-for-teens-study-finds-695555.html Alcohol ads look glamorous and drug abuse is shown to be a rich and desirable thing to do.
Lastly, people who are very into it,find it fun. It alters the brain and allows the user to escape reality and forget about whatever it was that caused them to be sad or stressed out.
Works Cited:

Monday, March 28, 2016

Media Article

Finally there is an article about social media that comes off as very neutral. In this article, Jenny explains that social media, when used properly, can be very helpful when owning a business or even just for the sake of catching up with people you lost touch with over the years. Then she goes on to explain how media is harmful. Her basis with this article is to show that social media has its pros and cons, but everything would be just fine if it were used properly.
Ta, Jenny Q. "What Impact Has Social Media Truly Had On Society." Business 2 Community. Business 2 Community, 13 Aug. 2013. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. <http://www.business2community.com/social-media/impact-social-media-truly-society-0974685#Stuy5zlgxl2QtGSC.97>.

The problem with Media

Social media is the top hamster wheel for my generation. We as people cannot live without our daily dose of the "twitersphere" or looking at what our friends are up to on snap chat. As innocent as these things are, There always has to be a select few that has to ruin it for the rest. Certain people seem to take social media way to seriously and cause drama with the people around them. Then, of course, there is the cyber bullying factor. I feel as though, if this generation didn't rely and believe so much of the things they see on social media then they would get along with others better.
Off the social media subject, comes media in general. Media makes it look like a size 12 is obese. If media didn't idolize drug use, alcoholic beverages, and anorexia so intensely, i think we would see the large percentage of depression, death, and suicides go down tremendously.  

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Chick-Fil-A, where you at, fam?

I read a rant called "Whatabuger at 2 am" and i have to say, this girl has a point. The line at Whataburger is always outrageous! I personally, always get a mouth full of water for a delicious Whataburger during the wee hours in the morning and the only thing that makes the experience worse, are all the people who also have the same hankering for Whataburger as me. The only way I can see that this problem would be solved is if maybe Chick-Fil-A could hop on the late night band wagon. Then, half of those people, including myself, would not be holding up the line at Whataburger anymore.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

cliche "I hate my job" rant

I am an average college student. I have goals just like everyone else. I go to school, I help my family as much as I can, and I go to work.
Speaking of work, I absolutely cannot deal. Customers thing they are so smart and know way more about my job than I do. Just to top off all the customer frustration, don't even get me started on management. There is a fine line thick line between a lead and a manger. Yes, all questions should be directed to your department lead, but the lead cannot do anything without the okay from the manger. A lead has the same rules to follow as a regular worker. Leads even receive the same pay as a regular worker. with that being said, there should be no wiggle room for a gigantic ego from new leads who were hired on the same day as a certain individual, namely- myself.

Monday, March 21, 2016

A Common Role Model

Call me a "basic white girl," but every time I look at a picture of Marilyn Monroe, I get goose bumps. If her clear, piercing eyes and her bright red lipstick isn't enough to get my attention, I'd say her very intense background did the trick. This woman is an idol to most teenagers in america due to her sex appeal, and her very touching quotes that gives fans a little taste of her life story. She has been through a tremendous amount of devastating events in her life and she still preaches about smiling and being beautiful. She creates an image that shows it is possible to be strong in this world. It is possible to over come the past and make something good for yourself.

Traffic Frustrations

It's almost impossible to just get in your car and take a nice long cruise. The second you get on the road there are speed demons swerving around cars, people texting and swerving in and out of lanes by accident, and the best of drivers are the ones that fly through changing lanes and come way too close to comfort to smashing right into the hood of another car. This is exactly what I have put up with all day. People who have somewhere to be and clearly didn't leave their house early enough to make it to the desired destination. Being safe on the road these days is almost as easy as heart surgery.